
Showing posts from July, 2021

Acupuncture for Back and Neck Pain

Have you experienced injuries to your back and neck that just won’t heal? Do you want a treatment method that doesn’t involve narcotics or surgery? Acupuncture may be an ideal treatment method for you. Your lower back and neck are vulnerable parts of your body that are prone to injury in sports, exercise, and other vigorous activities. Bending, lifting, and twisting can damage your muscles and ligaments over time, or simply as you age. After years of movement and activity, some common conditions that can develop are herniated discs, thickened ligaments, and spinal stenosis. Other people may experience back and neck pains from fibromyalgia. The different types of neck and back pains may vary from person to person. If you have chronic dull aches, stabbing pains, tingling, or numbness, and these are not a result of more serious conditions, you may be a good candidate for acupuncture. At Soul Potential Acupuncture and Wellness in Castle Rock, Colorado, Vonda Muncy has years of experience t

Acupuncture For Bladder Infection in Castle Rock

Having one bladder infection is bad enough, but for 30% of women, these infections can become a chronic problem Her expertise in traditional Chinese medicine allows her to develop individualized care for your bladder infection, using herbal medicine and acupuncture.  Call the office in Castle Rock, Colorado, or book an appointment online. What causes a bladder infection? Bladder infections are the most common type of urinary tract infection. When the infection occurs in the urethra — the tube that carries urine out of your body — it’s called urethritis. If the infection travels up the urethra and into your bladder, the bladder infection is called cystitis. You develop a bladder infection when bacteria living on the skin around your anus get inside the urinary tract. Normally, bacteria are flushed out of the urethra when you urinate, but sometimes they manage to take hold and infect your bladder. What increases my risk for a bladder infection? Women are more likely to develop a bladder

How Acupuncture Can Redefine How Menopause Feels?

Ah, menopause — that time in your life when you say goodbye to your reproductive years and embark on a new journey. For some lucky women, this transition is a smooth one. For others, the sudden drop in hormones leads to years of hot flashes, night sweats, depression, and more. Most women fall somewhere in between and grapple with unwelcome changes that can impact their quality of life. While there’s no “cure” for the inevitable transition of menopause, we can smooth your way forward through acupuncture. At Soul Potential Acupuncture and Wellness, Vonda Muncy treats a wide range of conditions using this ancient practice with great success. From back pain to the symptoms of menopause, acupuncture has a place in almost every area of your health and wellness. Here’s a look at how acupuncture can redefine how menopause feels. The price of menopause Menopause is the transition that women make from their reproductive years to their nonreproductive years. Unfortunately, what precipitates this

Acupuncture for Macular Degeneration

Vonda offers exceptional care after completing two specialized training sessions — foundational and advanced Micro Acupuncture™ 48 — with the world-renowned expert in the field, Andy Rosenfarb, ND, L.Ac. To determine If you’re a good candidate for Micro Acupuncture,  call the office in Castle Rock, Colorado, or schedule an appointment online . What is macular degeneration? Macular degeneration is an eye condition that occurs in a specific part of your retina called the macula. There are two types of macular degeneration: Dry macular degeneration This type affects 80% of patients diagnosed with macular degeneration. It develops over the years, as the macula thins out and clumps of protein and fat called drusen build up under the retina. As drusen slowly enlarge, they damage cells in the macula, gradually causing vision loss. Wet macular degeneration This type of macular degeneration occurs when abnormal blood vessels grow behind the retina. These fragile blood vessels leak into the surr

How Does Acupuncture Help Migraines?

An estimated 39 million Americans — adults and children — suffer from migraines. That means one out of every four households in the United States has at least one person who gets migraines. These chronic, debilitating headaches take a hefty toll on your well-being and ability to live a full, productive life. Many migraine sufferers go from doctor to doctor looking for that treatment or combination of treatments that can make a real difference. More of them have turned to acupuncture to relieve their pain and get them back to living a fuller life.  Vonda Muncy ,  a highly skilled acupuncturist and traditional Chinese medicine specialist at Soul Potential Acupuncture & Wellness, shares her experiences about treating migraines with acupuncture here. Migraines aren’t just headaches A migraine is a type of severe chronic headache that, if untreated, can last from 4-72 hours. This neurological condition is usually triggered by something such as: Bright lights Stress or tension Changes in

Castle Rock Acupuncture & Wellness

Are you being held back in life by injuries, pain, digestive issues, emotional strain, stress or women’s issues? Are you tired of being told there is nothing else that can be done? Would you prefer to collaborate and actively participate in your journey to a dis-ease free state? At  Soul Potential , we believe there is no authority greater than the wisdom of your body to bring about your own wellness. Our bodies speak to us all of the time. We just have to listen. Employing techniques from the ancient wisdom of Chinese medicine and acupuncture, our passion is to help you reach your full potential by reducing the physical distractions that are in the way of living a fulfilling and happy life. If you’re interested in scheduling an appointment or you’d like more information, please  contact us .

Acupuncture Can Help You Manage Anxiety

40 million American adults suffer from an anxiety disorder and many take prescription medications to treat its symptoms. If you struggle with anxiety, wouldn’t it be great to know you can manage it naturally instead of depending on medications that could become habit-forming or addictive? At Soul Potential Acupuncture and Wellness in Castle Rock, Colorado, Vonda Muncy is a licensed acupuncturist who helps men and women from all walks of life get relief from the paralyzing effects of anxiety. Acupuncture, an age-old Chinese medicine practice, is an effective, drug-free way to get relief so you can live life to the fullest. Discover how you can forget the drugs and let acupuncture help you manage your anxiety more effectively. Understanding the long-term effects of anxiety Everyone can get anxious about something, whether it’s an upcoming job interview, family visiting from out of town, or an important exam. But that type of anxiety is usually only temporary and goes away after the event