
Showing posts from November, 2021

Acupuncture Can Help You Manage Anxiety

  40 million American adults suffer from an anxiety disorder and many take prescription medications to treat its symptoms. If you struggle with anxiety, wouldn’t it be great to know you can manage it naturally instead of depending on medications that could become habit-forming or addictive? At  Soul Potential Acupuncture and Wellness   in Castle Rock, Colorado, Vonda Muncy is a licensed acupuncturist who helps men and women from all walks of life get relief from the paralyzing effects of anxiety. Acupuncture ,  an age-old Chinese medicine practice, is an effective, drug-free way to get relief so you can live life to the fullest. Discover how you can forget the drugs and let acupuncture help you manage your anxiety more effectively. Understanding the long-term effects of anxiety Everyone can get anxious about something, whether it’s an upcoming job interview, family visiting from out of town, or an important exam. But that type of anxiety is usually only temporary and goes away after th

Soul Potential Acupuncture & Wellness

  FEEL BETTER, REVIVE & THRIVE Are you being held back in life by  injuries, pain, digestive issues, emotional strain, stress, or women’s issues?   Are you tired of being told there is nothing else that can be done? Would you prefer to collaborate and actively participate in your journey to a dis-ease free state? At  Castle Pines ,  we believe there is no authority greater than the wisdom of your body to bring about your own wellness. Our bodies speak to us all of the time. We just have to listen. Employing techniques from the ancient wisdom of Chinese medicine and  acupuncture ,  our passion is to help you reach your full potential by reducing the physical distractions that are in the way of living a fulfilling and happy life If you’re interested in scheduling an appointment or you’d like more information, please  contact us .

How Does Acupuncture Help Migraines?

  An estimated 39 million Americans — adults and children — suffer from migraines. That means one out of every four households in the United States has at least one person who gets migraines. These chronic, debilitating headaches take a hefty toll on your well-being and ability to live a full, productive life. Many migraine sufferers go from doctor to doctor looking for that treatment or  combination of treatments   that can make a real difference. More of them have turned to acupuncture to relieve their pain and get them back to living a fuller life.  Vonda Muncy ,  a highly skilled acupuncturist and traditional Chinese medicine specialist at  Soul Potential Acupuncture & Wellness , shares her experiences about treating migraines with acupuncture here. Migraines aren’t just headaches A migraine is a type of severe chronic headache that, if untreated, can last from 4–72 hours. This neurological condition is usually triggered by something such as: Bright lights Stress or tension Cha

Age-Related Macular Degeneration

  Age-related macular degeneration (AMD), is a type of central vision distortion caused by damage to the macular tissue located in the retina at the back of the eye. When central vision is functioning correctly, it is easy to read, drive and identify faces. When this area begins to lose visual clarity, it’s like applying petroleum jelly to the center of the eye, causing distortion in the middle of the field of vision. AMD is divided into two types: wet (exudative) and dry (atrophic). Dry AMD is the more common form of AMD, occurs in about 85–90% of the AMD population. Dry AMD is less serious than wet AMD. Wet AMD is defined by the appearance of new blood vessels under the retina. These new blood vessels tend to be weak and cause fluid or blood leakage, which can distort vision and lead to retinal damage.1 AMD is caused by the buildup of a yellowish deposit called drusen, a fatty protein. Drusen build-up occurs because nutrients are not getting to the eye and waste is not being removed

Acupuncture for Infertility in Castle Rock

  What is infertility? Infertility is defined as the inability of getting pregnant after 1 year of unprotected sex. If no pregnancy occurs after 1 year, experts suggest seeking medical care. In cases where the female is over 35 years of age, medical care should begin after 6 months of trying to conceive without success. What are the causes of infertility? More and more women are delaying starting a family as their careers take priority. The age of first maternal birth is on rise. As women age,  fertility   decreases. Women in their late 30’s are about ½ as fertile as they were in their 20’s. Male fertility is typically not affected until after age 501. Other possible causes of infertility:2 PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) Hormone dysregulation due to hypothalamus or pituitary gland dysfunction Structural issues with ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus or cervix Endometriosis which can affect the uterine lining and prevent implantation Low sperm count, low quality of sperm or issues wit

Can Acupuncture Make a Difference in Fertility after the Age of 35?

  There are many reasons women wait to begin starting a family after the age of 35. Different life circumstances such as a focus on furthering a successful career, meeting the appropriate partner later in life, or not feeling ready to become a parent are just a few of the reasons women delay having children until their mid to late 30’s. For couples, ages 35 and older,  infertility   is defined as the inability to become pregnant after 6 months of trying to conceive. My personal journey to become a mother began in my late 30’s as I was pursuing a successful airline career. I didn’t feel ready to start a family until I was 39 years old. After becoming pregnant, things seemed to be progressing fine until, at 13 weeks, during a routine prenatal appointment, my midwife could not find a heartbeat. I was immediately sent to the hospital where the doctor confirmed the baby I was carrying was no longer alive. A DNC was scheduled because my body was not releasing the lifeless baby. To make matte

Macular Degeneration Treatment

  Micro Acupuncture targets 48 acupuncture points in your hands and feet. These points directly stimulate the eyes, effectively  treating conditions   like  macular degeneration   without needing to insert needles into or around your eyes. If you have macular degeneration and would like to learn more about Micro Acupuncture,  call Castle Pines Acupuncture & Wellness or book an appointment online .

How Micro Acupuncture™ Can Help Macular Degeneration?

  While modern medicine has made incredible advances when it comes to healing the human body, it hasn’t yet been able to crack many medical conditions, including age-related macular degeneration. This condition is one of the leading causes of vision impairment and blindness around the world and affects 11 million people in the United States alone — and this number is predicted to double to 22 million by 2050 thanks to an aging population. Despite these large numbers, little progress has been made in treating or reversing this sight-robbing disease. That said, one area of medicine is showing great promise in resolving macular degeneration, and it’s a therapy that’s been in practice for millennia —  acupuncture . At  Soul Potential Acupuncture & Wellness ,   Vonda Muncy ,  an expertly trained acupuncturist and traditional Chinese medicine specialist, offers an innovative, yet time-tested, approach to health and wellness. One area where we’ve had great success is helping our patients