
Showing posts from May, 2022

Acupuncture for Macular Degeneration

  Vonda offers exceptional care after completing two specialized training sessions — foundational and advanced Micro Acupuncture™ 48 — with the world-renowned expert in the field, Andy Rosenfarb, ND, To determine If you’re a good candidate for Micro Acupuncture, call the office in Castle Rock, Colorado, or schedule an appointment online. Macular Degeneration Q & A What is macular degeneration? Macular degeneration is an eye condition that occurs in a specific part of your retina called the macula. There are two types of macular degeneration: Dry macular degeneration This type affects 80% of patients diagnosed with macular degeneration. It develops over the years, as the macula thins out and clumps of protein and fat called drusen build up under the retina. As drusen slowly enlarge, they damage cells in the macula, gradually causing vision loss. Wet macular degeneration This type of macular degeneration occurs when abnormal blood vessels grow behind the retina. These fragile blood v

Acupuncture for Low Back Pain

  Low back pain is the most common cause of disability in people under the age of 45. This type of chronic pain seldom gets better with conventional medical care, but you have hope when you’re treated with acupuncture. To schedule an appointment, call the office in Castle Rock, Colorado, or use the online booking feature. Low Back Pain Q & A What causes low back pain? Your lower back is vulnerable to painful injuries and degeneration because it supports the weight of your body while providing optimal flexibility. As you twist, bend, and lift — and especially if you frequently perform these movements — it’s easy to injure ligaments and muscles. As you get older, years of repetitive movements lead to degenerative changes that cause inflammation and pinched nerves. Some of the most common degenerative conditions that cause low back pain include: Herniated disc Facet joint osteoarthritis Degenerative disc disease Thickened ligaments Spinal stenosis Some underlying health conditions tha

Acupuncture for Bladder Infection

  Having one bladder infection is bad enough, but for 30% of women, these infections can become a chronic problem Her expertise in traditional Chinese medicine allows her to develop individualized care for your bladder infection, using herbal medicine and acupuncture. Call the office in Castle Rock, Colorado, or book an appointment online. Bladder Infection Q & A What causes a bladder infection? Bladder infections are the most common type of urinary tract infection. When the infection occurs in the urethra — the tube that carries urine out of your body — it’s called urethritis. If the infection travels up the urethra and into your bladder, the bladder infection is called cystitis. You develop a bladder infection when bacteria living on the skin around your anus get inside the urinary tract. Normally, bacteria are flushed out of the urethra when you urinate, but sometimes they manage to take hold and infect your bladder. What increases my risk for a bladder infection? Women are more

Suffering Arthritis Pain in Your Knee? Acupuncture Can Deliver Relief

  If you have osteoarthritis, you’re among the 21 million Americans who suffer from this condition, which causes joint pain, swelling, and stiffness. Osteoarthritis is common in people over the age of 50, and it can significantly impact your quality of life. Arthritis is a degenerative condition, which means it gets worse over time. It can affect nearly any joint, but a common one is the knee. Knees are particularly susceptible to wear-and-tear because they take nearly 4 pounds of pressure for every pound of bodyweight you carry. There’s no cure for arthritis. Treatments include taking prescription medications to relieve pain and reduce swelling. In severe cases, joint replacement surgery can be an option. Finding an effective arthritis treatment that relieves your pain and fits into your lifestyle isn’t always easy. If you’ve tried modern methods of arthritis treatment but you’re still suffering from knee pain, don’t give up. Visit us at Soul Potential Acupuncture and Wellness in Cast

Pregnancy Without Morning Sickness? It’s Possible With Acupuncture

  It’s early in your pregnancy, and you start feeling nauseous. It might even be so bad that you have the urge to vomit several times a day. If this describes you or a loved one, know that you’re not alone. One out of every two pregnant women gets morning sickness. Your body is adjusting to the rush of hormones as your baby is developing. The good news is that the nauseous feelings usually dissipate after the first trimester. You’re following the traditional advice of eating small meals and staying hydrated, but your symptoms haven’t abated. Why not give acupuncture a try? Vonda Muncy, LAc, DiplA, licensed acupuncturist at Soul Potential Acupuncture & Wellness routinely treats women’s health issues with acupuncture and has treated many pregnant women with morning sickness. Research on acupuncture to relieve morning sickness Research shows that acupuncture is effective in relieving nausea associated with morning sickness. In fact, those who opt for acupuncture have less nausea and