How Acupuncture Works to Relieve Back and Neck Pain

 Have you experienced injuries to your back and neck that just won’t heal? Do you want a treatment method that doesn’t involve narcotics or surgery? Acupuncture may be an ideal treatment method for you.

Your lower back and neck are vulnerable parts of your body that are prone to injury in sports, exercise, and other vigorous activities. Bending, lifting, and twisting can damage your muscles and ligaments over time, or simply as you age. After years of movement and activity, some common conditions that can develop are herniated discs, thickened ligaments, and spinal stenosis. Other people may experience back and neck pains from fibromyalgia.

The different types of neck and back pains may vary from person to person. If you have chronic dull aches, stabbing pains, tingling, or numbness, and these are not a result of more serious conditions, you may be a good candidate for acupuncture. At Soul Potential Acupuncture and Wellness in Castle Rock, Colorado, Vonda Muncy has years of experience treating patients with pains like yours by using acupuncture, a safe, effective, and surgery-free way to start feeling better.

How acupuncture works

Acupuncture is a great choice for alleviating back and neck pain because these aches are often difficult to treat with traditional medical means. Many doctors will prescribe opioids for chronic pain, but these heavy drugs carry a risk of dependence and addiction, making them the least ideal option for many patients.

While the idea may sound strange and counter-intuitive, stimulating painful parts of the body with special needles alleviates pain associated with several kinds of medical conditions. The practice was developed thousands of years ago in China, so it has a successful track record.

Acupuncture opens energy pathways that are ideal for great health. Using special needles, acupuncture opens these energy pathways, called meridians, near the area that is causing you pain. This practice releases blocked energy, restoring the body’s natural balance. This allows for natural healing to occur. Vonda Muncy uses this balancing method, along with several other methods, in her practice.

Learn more about acupuncture for back and neck pain

If you’re tired of suffering from constant aches and pains and want to learn about a treatment option that doesn’t involve surgery or narcotics, call Vonda Muncy for a consultation. You can also schedule an appointment online. We look forward to hearing from you.


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