
Showing posts from April, 2022

Does Medicare Pay for Acupuncture?

  The short answer is a qualified yes, under two conditions: Medicare will only pay for acupuncture if it is performed by a medical doctor (MD) or a nurse practitioner or physician’s assistant that also has a master’s degree or higher in acupuncture or oriental medicine. The acupuncture treatment must be for chronic low back pain. Medicare defines chronic as more than 12 weeks. If both of the above conditions are met, Medicare will pay for 12 visits occurring within 90 days. If acupuncture care is providing improvement, an additional 8 visits will be authorized. No more than 20 visits will be paid for in a calendar year. CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) does not recognize acupuncturists as providers for Medicare, therefore acupuncturists may not bill Medicare for acupuncture. In July 2021, bill H.R. 4803 known as “Acupuncture for Our Seniors Act 2021” was introduced in the House to include acupuncturists as providers for CMS. This bill has not progressed any further tha

Types Of Age-Related Macular Degeneration

  Age-related macular degeneration (AMD), is a type of central vision distortion caused by damage to the macular tissue located in the retina at the back of the eye. When central vision is functioning correctly, it is easy to read, drive and identify faces. When this area begins to lose visual clarity, it’s like applying petroleum jelly to the center of the eye, causing distortion in the middle of the field of vision. AMD is divided into two types: wet (exudative) and dry (atrophic). Dry AMD is the more common form of AMD, occurs in about 85-90% of the AMD population. Dry AMD is less serious than wet AMD. Wet AMD is defined by the appearance of new blood vessels under the retina. These new blood vessels tend to be weak and cause fluid or blood leakage, which can distort vision and lead to retinal damage.1 AMD is caused by the buildup of a yellowish deposit called drusen, a fatty protein. Drusen build up occurs because nutrients are not getting to the eye and waste is not being removed

Acupuncture for Knee Pain

  Knee pain affects about 25% of all adolescents and adults, making it the most common source of chronic pain and a problem that seriously impacts your mobility. To get effective, natural pain relief without any side effects, call the office in Castle Rock, Colorado, or book an appointment online. Knee Pain Q & A What commonly causes knee pain? The most common causes of knee pain include overuse injuries, like runner’s knee, and acute injuries, such as ligament, meniscus, and tendon tears. If you have chronic knee pain, however, chances are it’s due to one of the following conditions: Osteoarthritis Rheumatoid arthritis Tendinitis Bursitis Chondromalacia patella (cartilage problem) Your risk of developing knee pain increases if you had a previous injury and if you’re overweight. For every pound of weight you gain, your knees absorb 4 extra pounds of pressure, which significantly raises your risk for osteoarthritis. What other symptoms might develop with my knee pain? Your knee pain

Acupuncture for Anxiety

Anxiety is a pervasive condition that affects the daily life of 32% of adolescents and 19% of adults in America. If you struggle with overwhelming anxiety, schedule an appointment online or call the office in Castle Rock, Colorado. Anxiety Q & A What symptoms signal anxiety? Anxiety develops when you’re worried about an upcoming event or fearful of a perceived threat. All types of circumstances can cause anxiety, from worry about whether you will pass a test to suddenly facing immediate danger. When anxiety appears, you’ll experience a range of physical and emotional symptoms. You may feel tense, irritable, and nauseous. Anxiety makes many patients sweat, and some develop a fast heartbeat. There are also many different types of anxiety, and each one has its own unique symptoms. For example, a phobia makes you anxious about a specific object or situation, while panic disorder causes symptoms that mimic a heart attack. When should I get help for anxiety? Anxiety is such a deep part o

Acupuncture for Infertility

  What is infertility? Infertility is defined as the inability of getting pregnant after 1 year of unprotected sex. If no pregnancy occurs after 1 year, experts suggest seeking medical care. In cases where the female is over 35 years of age, medical care should begin after 6 months of trying to conceive without success. What are the causes of infertility? More and more women are delaying starting a family as their careers take priority. The age of first maternal birth is on rise. As women age, fertility decreases. Women in their late 30’s are about ½ as fertile as they were in their 20’s. Male fertility is typically not affected until after age 50 1 . Other possible causes of infertility: 2 PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) Hormone dysregulation due to hypothalamus or pituitary gland dysfunction Structural issues with ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus or cervix Endometriosis which can affect the uterine lining and prevent implantation Low sperm count, low quality of sperm or issues wit

Acupuncture for Migraines

  For centuries, acupuncture has been used to relieve the excruciating pain of migraine headaches, and studies performed by today’s medical experts continue to support its safety and effectiveness. To schedule an appointment, call the office in Castle Rock, Colorado, or book a visit online. Migraine Q & A What causes migraines? Migraine is a neurological disorder that occurs when cranial nerves overreact to a trigger, sending signals to your brain that lead to a migraine. While there are many potential triggers that initiate a migraine, some of the most common include: Stress Fatigue Caffeine Bright lights Certain odors Skipping a meal Changes in weather Foods and additives Some women find that hormone fluctuations during their menstrual periods trigger migraines. What symptoms occur during a migraine? Migraines are one of the most intense types of headaches you can experience. The primary symptoms of a migraine include: Excruciating, throbbing pain, often around one or both temple