Acupuncture for Infertility


What is infertility?

Infertility is defined as the inability of getting pregnant after 1 year of unprotected sex. If no pregnancy occurs after 1 year, experts suggest seeking medical care. In cases where the female is over 35 years of age, medical care should begin after 6 months of trying to conceive without success.

What are the causes of infertility?

More and more women are delaying starting a family as their careers take priority. The age of first maternal birth is on rise. As women age, fertility decreases. Women in their late 30’s are about ½ as fertile as they were in their 20’s. Male fertility is typically not affected until after age 501.

Other possible causes of infertility:2

  • PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)
  • Hormone dysregulation due to hypothalamus or pituitary gland dysfunction
  • Structural issues with ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus or cervix
  • Endometriosis which can affect the uterine lining and prevent implantation
  • Low sperm count, low quality of sperm or issues with motility
  • Unexplained causes

How does acupuncture help infertility?

Many studies have been done on the effect of acupuncture in reproductive medicine. Here are a few examples of what some of the studies have found:

  • Acupuncture can help normalize hormonal function 4
  • Acupuncture has been shown to improve ovulation in women with PCOS 3
  • Acupuncture can increase uterine blood flow which may improve embryo implantation 3
  • Acupuncture reduces stress which affects blood flow and fertility 3,4
  • Acupuncture for the relief of pain caused by oocyte removal for IVF 4
  • Acupuncture for Improving IVF success 4
  • Acupuncture for managing issues with ovulation 4
  • Acupuncture to Increase motility, quality of sperm and sperm count 4

Infertility can be a disappointing, frustrating and heartbreaking experience. At Castle Pines Acupuncture we are here to help you find a resolution to your fertility frustrations. Schedule an appointment now to talk about how we can help you successfully start a family.


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